You want your customer to say “I will never let you go”?

You want your customer to say “I will never let you go”? Regardless of whether you sell products or services – learn how to fascinate your customer. This coaching workshop is highly praxis oriented and will focus on service, attitude and sustainability. You will find out possibilities to produce a general paradigm shift in your customer relationship?  …followed by a breakthrough in business outcome.


    1.420,00  pro Person zzgl. MwSt.

    • Basics of communication and human beings
    • The magic of listening
    • Personalities in business talks
    • Customers’ expectations
    • Being aware of different personalities and their specific expectations
    • Knowing your customers real expectations and exceeding them
    • Powerful mental preparation and helpful thoughts
    • Complicated Customers? …There isn’t anybody out there!

    Two third of the workshop will be Coaching and one third training aspects. Specific and individual homework, which everybody will receive at the end of the workshop, will guarantee praxis transfer and sustainability

    Everybody who wants to improve sales figures and service competencies


    Seminarzeiten // 2-Tages-Seminar

    1. Schulungstag von 10:00 Uhr bis 17:30 Uhr
    2. Schulungstag von 9:00 Uhr bis 16:30 Uhr

    Seminargebühr / Person 1.420,– €
    zzgl. MwSt.

    Im Preis inbegriffen:

    • Umfangreiche Seminarunterlagen, Schreibblock & Stifte
    • Teilnahmezertifikat
    • Hochwertige Tagungslocations (ohne Übernachtung)
    • Mittagessen (Lunchbuffet oder 3-Gang-Menü)
    • Zwei Kaffeepausen mit Snacks & Obst