Leadership in Production/operations


Leadership in Production/operations. Line Managers in production very often face quite challenging situations: time- and cost pressure, demand for high quality combined with a lack of human resources. On top of that, line managers need to motivate their employees while fulfilling the objectives defined by the organization. This seminar teaches you the necessary know-how in order to master your daily challenges. On purpose, there is no theoretical or academic discussions. Instead, the focus lies on practical implication and transfer for all participants.

Leadership in Production/operations


  • Lead by situational demands and how to apply in production
  • Which leadership tools are there – and which fit to me as a person?
  • Development of your own personal leadership style
  • Content level and emotional level: differentiate between content and emotions
  • Different employee types: how to deal with them?
  • Manage expectations: from your manager and from your employees
  • Be a role model: Stay motivating despite pressure, stress and noise
  • Distance and closeness: how to balance the right mixture
  • How to delegate
  • Leading in difficult situations
  • Techniques for conflict resolution
  • Increase your personal competence: self-motivation, self-organization, time management

Trainer input, individual and group work, real life examples from participants, practice-oriented exercises, high transfer to application for real work situations

Target group
All line managers in production, e.g. head of production, shift supervisor, operations manager, foreman, team-/group leader


Seminarzeiten // 2-Tages-Seminar
1. Schulungstag von 10:00 Uhr bis 17:30 Uhr
2. Schulungstag von 09:00 Uhr bis 16:30 Uhr

1. Halbjahr 2. Halbjahr
von bis von bis
Berlin 13.05.2024 14.05.2024 27.11.2024 28.11.2024
Erfurt 27.02.2024 28.02.2024 09.09.2024 10.09.2024
Frankfurt 22.04.2024 23.04.2024 29.10.2024 30.10.2024
Freiburg 23.01.2024 24.01.2024 16.09.2024 17.09.2024
Friedrichshafen 07.05.2024 08.05.2024 14.11.2024 15.11.2024
Hamburg 19.06.2024 20.06.2024 12.12.2024 13.12.2024
Hannover 11.04.2024 12.04.2024 04.11.2024 05.11.2024
Kassel 13.02.2024 14.02.2024 04.09.2024 05.09.2024
Köln 20.03.2024 21.03.2024 16.10.2024 17.10.2024
Leipzig 15.05.2024 16.05.2024 28.11.2024 29.11.2024
München 17.01.2024 18.01.2024 12.09.2024 13.09.2024
Nürnberg 01.07.2024 02.07.2024 11.12.2024 12.12.2024
Saarbrücken 24.04.2024 25.04.2024 17.10.2024 18.10.2024
Stuttgart 22.05.2024 23.05.2024 13.11.2024 14.11.2024

Seminargebühr / Person 1.420,00 € zzgl. MwSt.
Im Preis inbegriffen:

  • ausführliche Seminarunterlagen, Schreibblock und Stifte
  • qualifiziertes Teilnehmerzertifikat
  • ausgewählte Seminar-Hotels
  • Mittagessen (Lunchbuffet oder 3-Gang-Menü)
  • zwei Kaffeepausen vormittags und nachmittags mit Obst und Snacks
  • unbegrenzte Tagungsgetränke

Hier Buchen!

Leadership in Production/operations

Preis: 1.420,00€ zzgl. MwSt.

Buchungsnummer: P10.2